RADIAS version 2.0 adds the following parameters as
virtual patch modulation destinations. This allows you
even greater sound-making diversity.
Modulation will be applied to the “Portamnto”
(portamento time) parameter of the P05–1: PITCH page.
Modulation will be applied to the “Control2” parameter
of the P06–1: OSC/MIXER - OSC1 tab page.
Filt1EG1, Filt1KTrk
Modulation will be applied to the “EG1 Int” or
“KeyTrack” parameter of the P07–1: FILTER - FILTER1
tab page.
Filt2Reso, Filt2EG1, Filt2KTrk
Modulation will be applied to the “Resonance,” “EG1
Int,” or “KeyTrack” parameter of the P07–2: FILTER -
FILTER2 tab page.
EG1Attack, EG1Decay, EG1Sustain, EG1Releas
Modulation will be applied to the “Attack,” “Decay,”
“Sustain,” or “Release” parameter of the P09–1: EG -
EG1 tab page.
EG2Attack, EG2Decay, EG2Sustain, EG2Releas
Modulation will be applied to the “Attack,” “Decay,”
“Sustain,” or “Release” parameter of the P09–2: EG -
EG2 tab page.
EG3Attack, EG3Decay, EG3Sustain, EG3Releas
Modulation will be applied to the “Attack,” “Decay,”
“Sustain,” or “Release” parameter of the P09–3: EG -
EG3 tab page.
Patch1Int, Patch2Int, Patch3Int, Patch4Int,
Patch5Int, Patch6Int
Modulation will be applied to the “Intensity” parameter
of the P11: PATCH-P1 – PATCH-P6 tab pages.