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Avis Midjay Ketron
Avis Midjay Ketron
Qui a essayé ou posséde cette machine ?
Merci pour vos avis.KORG PA2XPRO+VIF4 - KORG KARMA + EXB-PCM05
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m
Tags: Aucun(e)
Que veux tu savoir précisemment ?Korg>> Kronos 2, Pa5x, Modwave, Radias, Wavestate, Red Karma, Opsix, Kingkorg
Yamaha>> Genos 2, Montage White edition, TG77, TX802, FS1r
Roland>> Jupiter X, Fantom XR, System 8, JD990, VSynth XT, Vsynth GT
Arturia>> Origin, Access>> Virus Ti2, Moog sub 37, John Bowen>> Solaris
Ketron>> Event, 2 Edirol UM880.
Muse>> Receptor Pro 2 Max, Expressive Osmose
Waldorf>> Q, Blofeld
Camelot pro, Cubase 13, Omnisphere 2, Komplete 14 ultimate.
Simplement avoir un avis critique sur le produit : qualité sonore, facilité d'utilisation...
Plus précisemment, je posséde un PA80 depuis quelques années et j'envisage de le remplacer en 2006. Le PA1X ne m'a jamais convaincu, car trop proche de ce que j'ai déjà. Alors j'hésite entre plusieurs configurations : soit monter en gamme et en prix avec un TYROS 2 ou un SD1+ (j'ai écarté le G70 pour sa rythmique), soit passer à une confiçuration clavier maître-expandeur pour avoir un matériel plus léger à transporter, en utilisant par exemple mon XP-30 et un MIDJAY.
Mes besoins sont 50% styles live musette et animation / 50% midifile.
Voilà j'espère que c'est + clair.KORG PA2XPRO+VIF4 - KORG KARMA + EXB-PCM05
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m
bon alors pour faire ce que tu veux, je pense que le Midjay peut te convenir à merveille !!!
Question musette, qualité ryhtmique et sonore tu vas avoir du mal à trouver mieux que le Midjay .
La mise à jour de cette instument ( la version 3) Commence à donner un module qui est tres stable aussi bien en terme d arrangeur que de lecteur midifiles !
de plus tous les styles de la série Ms , X et SDI/ SD1 plus sont compatible à 100% et leur rendu sonore est aussi bon que sur les instruments d'origine !
Un des points faibles du Midjay est son ergonomie, surtout pour une utilisation en live ! Notamment pour tout ce qui est intro, ending, fill in, il y a une seule touche par fonction :roll: Ce probleme peut etre contourné en utilisant un pédalier de commande ....
Je suis de mon coté fidéle au Ketron SD1 depuis plus de 4 ans, et comme toi le PAX1 ne m'a jamais convaincu , par rapport à mon style de musique et par rapport à ses sons !
Ma conbinaison SD1 + triton Extreme me fait un ensemble qui me va completement , surtout pour récupérer des sons qui pétent pour jouer des morceaux type techno ...
Ta configuation avec le clavier maitre et un midjay est une configuration tres legere pour le transport ...
Maintenant, je pense qu il faut que tu prennes le temps d aller l essayer et de regarder la bete de plus pret !
Je suis tres tenté en ce moment d'évoluer vers une config tyros 2 + midjay
PaTKorg>> Kronos 2, Pa5x, Modwave, Radias, Wavestate, Red Karma, Opsix, Kingkorg
Yamaha>> Genos 2, Montage White edition, TG77, TX802, FS1r
Roland>> Jupiter X, Fantom XR, System 8, JD990, VSynth XT, Vsynth GT
Arturia>> Origin, Access>> Virus Ti2, Moog sub 37, John Bowen>> Solaris
Ketron>> Event, 2 Edirol UM880.
Muse>> Receptor Pro 2 Max, Expressive Osmose
Waldorf>> Q, Blofeld
Camelot pro, Cubase 13, Omnisphere 2, Komplete 14 ultimate.
Merci pour ta réponse. Effectivement Tyros 2 + midjay, un choix sans compromis...
C'est vrai que l'ergonomie d'un expandeur et celle, par exemple (vraiment au hasard ), d'un clavier arrangeur type Tyros n'est pas comparable, mais c'est pas la même chose.
Je vais essayer de trouver un Midjay en démo, mais Ketron est moins bien diffusé que les autres marques, même sur des secteurs comme Nancy ou Metz, pas évident. C'est plus facile en Alsace, il y a plus d'orchestres de variété dans ce secteur et les produits Ketron se vendent bien, donc les revendeurs ne prennent pas de risque. Seul les essais avec les styles de la machine et mes séquences me donneront une idée, les démos Ketron, c'est bien mais faut aller plus loin si je veux pas avoir de regrets après.
Pour la fiabilité, Ketron a été critiqué il y a quelques années mais je connais des possesseurs de SD1 qui n'ont jamais eu de problèmes, comme d'autres en ont sur PA1X.KORG PA2XPRO+VIF4 - KORG KARMA + EXB-PCM05
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m
D'autres commentaires sur le Midjay...?????
Fzero serait-il l'unique possesseur d'un clavier Ketron ???
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m
Voici une revu complete par un membre de mon forum en anglais par contre elle est tres complete et pourra apporter de l eau à ton moulin
My review of Midjay as arranger,
by DonM...............
"I have extensively tested using the Ketron Midjay with a controller
keyboard for live performance and thought some might want to hear my
After taking a day or so to learn the operating system, which is MUCH
simpler and more intuitive than the SD1, I began setting up the MJ to
suit my style. I first hooked it up to my PC, just a matter of
plugging in a USB cable. The MJ appears as another drive on the
computer. I then added a hundred or so Ketron styles, in addition to
the ones already there. From playing the SD1, I knew there were
certain ones I had to have.
I put all the styles in a subfolder of the default Style folder. Then
I "tweaked" the styles where necessary. You can easily change
style-part instruments and volumes, then either save over the original
or save to a new style.
After getting the styles the way I wanted, I then began making
Registrations. Again, this is easily accomplished by merely calling up
the style and lead sounds you want, setting any parameters such as
tempo, transpose mic settings, split, etc., and saving to a
registration. You can name the registration on the MJ by using the row
of buttons across the top, or you can do it by computer.
You can sort the registrations (or any files) by number or alphabet.
In addition to styles, the Registrations can call up Midifiles, MP3s,
WAV files and Sound Effects/Loops. All can be mixed together as you
wish in live play by adjusting the dedicated sliders for each part. In
all, I set up around 60 registrations in a couple of hours.
At my first performance using it I had some requests for which I
didn't have registrations set up of course. I found the appropriate
style, set the tempo and played the request THEN before I went on I
saved the setup as a registration in case I ever needed it again.
For a controller keyboard, I used the Casio WK3000 which I already
had. It transmits on Omni 1, and the it is easy to set the MJ to
receive on Omni 1. I even found the Piano button on the Casio calls up
the Grand Piano sound on the MJ. Other sounds can also be called up,
but were dependant upon which Bank and page of sounds had been
selected on the MJ. A truly dedicated controller can easily be
programmed to call up all your favorite sounds.
Sounds can be called up directly from the MJ buttons by pressing Sound
and either scrolling or entering the number of the Sound you want.
This takes only a second or so, but is slower than directly accessing
the sound from the controller kb. Also, while the Sound screen is
open, it uses the same buttons as the Style screen so you can't change
style settings while in the Sound screen. You can control the style
parts from the footswitch though. More on that below.
There are some excellent sounds on the MJ, including a really nice
Strat guitar than is totally different from the one on the SD1. There
are some sounds that are not as good as well, for instance Violin
and/or Fiddle. There is no Growl Sax, but there is a "delicious"
Liscio Sax.
The MJ which I have borrowed for these tests belongs to HankB, and I
want to thank him so much for allowing me to experiment with it.
Hank's MJ doesn't have the Vocal Harmonizer installed. From what I've
been told and have read, the options on the MJ VH are limited to three
voices, which are either all on or all off. These seems to be a
glaring weak spot to me, unless I've been misinformed.
Anyway, I hooked up a Digitech VH to do vocal harmony. I ran a midi
cable to it from the Thru jack on the MJ, so the chords were
recognized by the VH as I played them on the Casio.
I ran my mic into the MJ and used the dedicated Mic Out to send the
signal to the VH. This allows me to use the Mic slider on the MJ to
balance the vocal volume with the other volumes. The Mic processor in
the MJ is quite good, with Reverb and Echo available, along with
3-band Mic e.q.
The MJ also has overall 2-band e.q. plus effects.
The Midjay can associate lyrics with both styles and midifiles. You
can "teach" the MJ to automatically scroll the lyrics with the
midifile as it plays. Of course, it also can handle midi-karoake files.
In addition you can place all the lyrics you want into the MJ and call
them up when you wish. You can associate them with a style or
registration. They must be in TXT format. The MJ doesn't read MS Word.
I didn't take the time to load all my lyrics into the MJ, but I did
test this function and it works well.
I used my A-frame kb stand and simply lowered the top tier and tilted
it toward me until the MJ almost touched the kb. It was almost like
part of the kb and was easily reached and accessed. The overall
package is extremely light, with the MJ around 9 pounds, the
controller kb 6-20 pounds depending on what you use.
A very important feature of the MJ is the Recorder. It records to the
hard drive everything that is happening on the MJ. I set a style,
picked a sound and played and sung. Everything was recorded exactly as
it was played. A touch of the Wav button and it plays back. Then you
can set up a new recording, play back the one you just did and record
whatever else you want along with it, maybe a vocal harmony, other kb
parts, sound effects, an external guitar or instrument through the aux
in, a midi file, an MP3-whatever! You have in effect a multitrack
digital recorder with virtually unlimited tracks! The songs are stored
in WAV format on the hard drive and can easily be transferred to PC
via the USB connection. Of course you can convert them to MP3 and put
them back into the MJ to save hd space if you wish.
After I became comfortable with the MJ, I took it on a series of three
jobs. I was pretty comfortable with it, although I did miss some of
the buttons on the SD1, such as layering sounds (this may be
accomplished on the MJ only by creating a sound with the layers you
want, up to four). My audiences could not tell any difference in my
sound between the MJ and SD1 I normally use.
I have a 6-button footswitch for the SD1 that plugs into the MJ as
well. I set it to call up style variations, fill-in and break. The
fill-in on the MJ is different from the SD1. The MJ has only one
fill-in button, but plays a different fill depending on which
variation you are using. The intros and ending work the same way. I
believe in most ways that it is a better system than the way SD1 does it.
I have listed many great aspects of the Midjay. There are some
drawbacks, at least for me. These include:
1. Not as easy to access sounds.
2. There is no Rotary effect for organs. The organs sound really good
but either are a rotating sample or not, you can't speed up and slow down.
3. Not as easy to mute or adjust style parts in real time.
4. The display is pretty small if you want to read lyrics. I'm spoiled
by my big ol' laptop screen. Also lyrics, MP3s and Midifiles are
easier to search on the laptop. This is only a factor if you have
thousands (which I do).
5. The weak vocal harmonizer means carrying an external unit, meaning
more cables, more setup, more expense. But also more control and great
vocal sound.
6. It uses an external power supply. I prefer standard ac cord.
7. When you hit the Record button, the mic effects go dry. You must
press the mic button and move the controls on reverb and/or echo to
restore them. I asked A.J., the Ketron guy about this, and he said it
was purposely designed that way, so you can set up the effects for the
recording the way you want. That doesn't make sense, because all other
DSP effects remain the way you already had themset. Why not the mic as
well? I think it is BIG mistake and should be corrected with OS
upgrade. Sure, it only takes a second or to do adjust, but shouldn't
be necessary.
As you can see, the list of drawbacks is quite short!
To sum up a long story, the Midjay would be great in live performance
for many people.
I have no real problems using it. If I didn't already have an SD1, I
would buy one in a minute. However, since I DO have an SD1, I think I
will stick with it for now and see how soon Ketron brings out a new
one. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time!
Excuse the long post, but I thought my thoughts might be valuable to
DonMKorg>> Kronos 2, Pa5x, Modwave, Radias, Wavestate, Red Karma, Opsix, Kingkorg
Yamaha>> Genos 2, Montage White edition, TG77, TX802, FS1r
Roland>> Jupiter X, Fantom XR, System 8, JD990, VSynth XT, Vsynth GT
Arturia>> Origin, Access>> Virus Ti2, Moog sub 37, John Bowen>> Solaris
Ketron>> Event, 2 Edirol UM880.
Muse>> Receptor Pro 2 Max, Expressive Osmose
Waldorf>> Q, Blofeld
Camelot pro, Cubase 13, Omnisphere 2, Komplete 14 ultimate.
Merci Fzero !
Un test très intéressant. Le produit à l'air très performant par rapport au SD1 et assez stable. Faut essayer....
Sinon je prévois aussi l'essai d'un Tyros 2, ce sera plus facile à trouver. Parce que les revendeurs Ketron c'est un magasin sur 50. Y'a encore des efforts pour promouvoir le produit !KORG PA2XPRO+VIF4 - KORG KARMA + EXB-PCM05
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m
pour ce qui est du tyros 2, j ai essayé assidument il y pas mal de choses qui m ont accrochées ...
Je ne vais pas repartir dans le débat, mais en tout cas, par rapport à mon niveau, ma facon de jouer c est un instrument qui me plait bcp bcpKorg>> Kronos 2, Pa5x, Modwave, Radias, Wavestate, Red Karma, Opsix, Kingkorg
Yamaha>> Genos 2, Montage White edition, TG77, TX802, FS1r
Roland>> Jupiter X, Fantom XR, System 8, JD990, VSynth XT, Vsynth GT
Arturia>> Origin, Access>> Virus Ti2, Moog sub 37, John Bowen>> Solaris
Ketron>> Event, 2 Edirol UM880.
Muse>> Receptor Pro 2 Max, Expressive Osmose
Waldorf>> Q, Blofeld
Camelot pro, Cubase 13, Omnisphere 2, Komplete 14 ultimate.
Ketron en perte de vitesse
Déja que la marque est peu répandue, mais là c'est le top. :oops:
J'ai écrit à Fratelli Crosio pour avoir une adresse de revendeur et essayer un Midjay, en pensant qu'ils distribuaient la marque : pas de Midjay en démo dans l'est.
Ils me proposent de venir à Paris... 400 bornes !
Dès que j'ai un week-end de libre je fonce essayer un Tyros 2, y'en a partout et au moins : réseau de revendeur = service après vente.
Désolé pour M. Ketron si il préfère se garder ses petites boîtes à musique !KORG PA2XPRO+VIF4 - KORG KARMA + EXB-PCM05
ROLAND XP30 + D50 + AX1 + PK5+ XP-80 + :superBK7m