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"With the new operating system V 1,3 we present an innovative reservoir at new functions and sound possibilities for the Synthesizer Flagschiff OASYS again.
Except new functional areas and improvements the version 1.3 contains a new KARMA version (2.1) and the possibility of two new extension options to use.
MOD-7 Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer
New EXi MOD-7 Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer with „classical” synthesis procedure, whose flexibility was increased here in the almost immeasurable. A demo version is contained in system V1.3.
SAM polarizing library EXs-3 „Brass & Woodwinds”
New optional EXs-3 „Brass & Woodwinds” - LIBRARY also over 700MB and most authentic sheet metal and Holzbläser Samples expressiven on.
The most important functions in the overview:
· KARMA 2,1 permits the production of „user GE”, an adjustable quantization for scene changes and the module price increase, a more flexible „note map” - to function and many things more. (Optional „KARMA OASYS” - software available under
· New one optional EXs-3 „Brass & Woodwinds” - LIBRARY also over 700MB and most authentic sheet metal and Holzbläser Samples expressiven on.
· EXs extensions can be loaded immediately directly without restart of the OASYS.
· Within one „dual” - Programs can be transponiert each EXi instrument for a more flexible sound organization now separately.
· All step sequencers now with separate „smoothing” - parameters for „Attack” - and „Decay” - values for still more complex changes of sound.
· By loss-free compression immediately a larger RAM memory capacity is available for own Samples when using PCM data of the EXs-1 and EXs-2 LIBRARies.
· Further optimization of all operating routines.
OASYS operating system and authorizing code for the MOD-7 Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer starting from approx. October 2007 under available!
Authorizing code for the EXs-3 „Brass & Woodwinds” - library can be acquired off approx. in the middle of November 2007 with All users, who let themselves be registered, get eCD with the demo version of the EXs-3 “Brass & Woodwinds” - extension dispatched."
OASYS76 N°000583 (OS 1.3.1 / 2Go / LAC-1 / MOD-7)
Mac Mini 2011 Server
Logic Pro 9 (App Store !)
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