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démos oasys korg

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  • démos oasys korg

    voici un petit rappel sur ce que peux faire un oasys full !

    Démos "stock"

    Ben's Brains for Joe Z. (Mp3, 8.5 Mb)
    Ben's Brains uses the HD-1, CX-3, AL-1 and STR-1 engines.

    Red Square Sinfonietta (mp3, 5.51MB) by Peter Schwartz

    This demo blends real instruments with onboard OASYS sounds to show the benefits of using both MIDI and audio recording. The audio tracks are the piccolo, flute, alto flute, oboe, english horn and viola.

    Love Embraces All (mp3, 6.10MB)
    by Ben Dowling

    Teknosis (mp3, 11.3MB) by Peter Schwartz

    All parts are internal OASYS sounds.

    Heaven (320 bitrate) (15.1 MB, mp3) by Andreas Gundlach

    This demo is part of a CD released in Germany by Korg & More to showcase the OASYS. Everything on the demo came from a single OASYS.
    Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).

  • #2
    AL-1 Demos

    UF103 Windchimes Variations (mp3, 2.2MB)
    A medley of sonic variations from this AL-1 program. Two variations of a traditional windchime simulation are heard first, performed by glissing on the mid-upper range of the keyboard. The second texture is a radical sonic alteration easily produced by the push of one button and a turn of one knob.

    The final texture demonstrates additional timbral changes achieved via Controllers and Tone Adjust. Among other things, Tone Adjust is used to change the "Pitch Slope", changing the scaling from microtonal to the equal-tempered tuning of this final piece.

    UF093 Euro Bureau =C2= (mp3, 2.7MB)
    All sounds heard in this demo (various bass sounds, kick, hihat, snare/clap, noise sweep, and sync sweep "lead") are generated from this one Program (a dual AL-1 configuration ). The largest number of notes played at any point in this demo -- two, with the arrangement created almost entirely by using controllers.

    Nearly all of the OASYS' controllers were used for creating variations, including knobs, vector joystick, ribbon, joystick, and switches. Tone Adjust was also used to turn oscillators on and off, create the noise sweeps, and alter the decay time of the bass sound's filter EG.

    UF097 The Air Dance (mp3, 3.1MB)
    This dual AL-1 Program demonstrates, in part, the independence of the per-voice Step Sequencers. At the start of the demo, a fifth is played. Panning filter sweeps start out smooth, becoming syncopated with use of JS-Y. A high note is then played out of time. That voice's Step Sequencer pattern is heard to cascade independently of the original fifth.

    Later in the demo, various controllers (including ribbon, and various knobs) are used to create the resonant filter sweep.

    U097 Echoing Gooberation (mp3, 3.14MB)
    All sounds were created from this one patch. The bassier sound is created on EXi#1, the airy sound on EXi#2, and the cymbal/tambourine part from just smashing a bunch of notes on the high range of the keyboard. Lots of real-time controllers and Tone Adjust movements

    F077 Giant FM Keys (mp3, 2.01MB)
    Each of this demo's 5 phrases demonstrates the effect of different controllers on the sound.

    F001 Vocalisms SW2 Split (mp3, 3.16MB)
    In the first half of this Solo voice and Choir simulation, the vocal formants are created exclusively with various AL-1 features such as the multi-mode filters, FM, and careful selection of oscillator waveforms.

    In the second half, sample & hold and filter sweeps are introduced along with a small amount of the Talking Modulator IFX to further change the vocal timbres. All of these controls were "faded out" at the end of the demo, returning to the original, unprocessed sound.

    F000 Giant Rotary... (mp3, 2.21MB)
    A powerful dual AL-1 Program. All gated and syncopated effects are generated from the synth programming, not by playing chopped chords. Controllers used to change timbre and syncopation include Joystick (filter sample/hold), Vector Joystick (1/16th note gating), Ribbon (filter cutoff), Switch 1 (syncopated pattern from step sequencer), Switch 2 (sync sweeps at end of demo), and Knob 6 (sweep pitch of Osc.).

    F064 Silver Bass... (mp3, 1.73MB)
    Lot’s of real-time interaction with Tone Adjust, including waveform select, Ring Mod and FM amounts.

    F010 Stradivarious Sync... (mp3, 2.64MB)
    This performance demonstrates the clarity of the high notes (ultra-low aliasing), consistency of sound over the range (difficult for sync sounds), as well as the expressiveness of the patch in general.

    F111 Lead w/a Vengeance... (mp3, 1.31MB)
    A cutting sync lead Program with plenty of interesting controllers and effects.
    Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


    • #3
      Combination Demos

      Brass Combination (mp3, 2.5 MB)
      A brass Combination (A108 Brass SW1 Bright) played in realtime, with additional overdubs from the same sound. Percussions/finger snaps come from Program A068 Original Perc.Kit.
      Played and produced by Michele Paciulli.

      Dynamic Octave Strings (mp3, 4.1 MB)
      Combination C044 DynaOct Strings VJS EXs1. The Combination was played in real-time, then a few lines were added as overdubs. No edits or other production techniques were performed. Velocity brings in the string octaves. Played and produced by Michele Paciulli.

      Strings and Oboe (mp3, 5.8 MB)
      A blend of a string Combination (C044 DynaOct Strings VJS EXs1) and an oboe Program (E010 Oboe Vib.SW1 Key EXs1). All parts were played in realtime, with no edits or other production techniques performed. Velocity brings in the string octaves.
      Played and produced by Michele Paciulli.
      Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


      • #4
        EXs3 Demos

        Balzando e Flautando (1.2 Mb, Mp3)
        Program: U-G075 / Legato Pop Flute EXs3.

        The new Legato Technology allows you to play using true legato notes. Now you can use Soft Velocity with slow attack, Medium Velocity Legato or Hard Velocity with Fast Attack. Basically, by playing normal phrases, the type of legato will be automatically selected and the accents of your performance will determine the attack; for example, while performing softly, the slow natural attack will be performed.
        Il Piccolo Allegro (Mp3, 1.5 Mb)
        Program: U-G071 / Legato Piccolo
        Melodylancoly E Horn (Mp3, 1.8 Mb)
        Program: U-G011 / Vib EnglishHorn SW1

        The ribbon allows to you to control the air pressure of the "virtual" player, which allows you to perform with very expressive breath phrasing

        Wolfish Bassoon (Mp3, 1.8 Mb)
        Program: U-G106 / Bassoon KeyNois SW1

        This Program reacts very well to several playing techniques when used with the Ribbon air pressure action, thus creating a very lifelike simulation.

        Falling Up? Trombone (Mp3, 1.5 Mb)
        Program: U-G005 / Stacc Trombone Fall

        This program only uses the staccato samples of the dynamic decay of the trombone. This allows you to perform very realistic sounding parts while jumping through the dynamic levels

        Mute That Jazz Trumpet (Mp3, 1.7 Mb)
        Program: U-G001 / Dyna 4 Way Trumpet

        With this expressive Program, the full dynamic range of the Trumpet can be "explored". Performances of both slow or fast notes are well supported. During the performance, Knob 7 Turned counter clock wise was used to the mute the trumpet.

        Romantic Clarinet (Mp3, 2.2 Mb)
        Program: U-G089 / Dyna Clarinet

        This Program utilizes new technology which is applied to the attack of the note. Whenever you’re playing a legato riff slowly, it will still be possible to perform fast phrases while maintaining the breath and tonal characteristics of the instrument. Now that the instruments sound is more dynamic you can hear a beautiful opening in the tone.

        Charming Silk (Mp3, 1.6 Mb)
        Combi: U-G008 / E.Piano/A.Sax Split.

        This Combi features a Solo Program that highly benefits from the special technology applied to the dynamic attacks. Whenever you're playing a legato riff slowly, it will still be possible to perform fast phrases while maintaining the breath and tonal characteristics of the instrument. The Chord progressions are programmed on the Pads, which helps me play wider harmonizations on Piano while soloing with my right hand.
        Sight Over The Hills (Mp3, 1.1 Mb)
        Combi: U-G011 / Strngs/F.Horn/Flute

        This Combination is extremely responsive to dynamics while also allowing you to switch from piano to forte with ease, creating a very expressive reaction.
        Performance Notes: The following demos were all made on the Korg OASYS using the EXs3 Woodwinds and Brass Expansion. These tracks were composed by Jack Hotop.
        One Note Film Score (Mp3, 1.92 Mb)
        Combi: G009 / Demo One Note Film Score

        This Combi & Song demonstrate a "Future Orchestra" effect, intended for sci-fi TV & film work. Some timbres use Tone Adjust to select alternate performance articulations, reverse PCM playback, and slow Random LFOs modulating pitch. Timbres are also transposed & delayed to create a cascading series of notes. JS-Y was used to modulate the Filter and Amp with a high speed Random LFO, JS X to modulate Pitch, and Ribbon to control expression.

        21st Century Orchestra (Mp3, 1.89 Mb)
        Combi: G019 / Demo 21st Century Orchestra

        Some timbres use Tone Adjust to select alternate performance articulations, & reverse PCM playback. Other timbres are also delayed for a cascading effect. This Song starts with KARMA ON, where single notes sound like an orchestra tuning up, or modern compositions that let players decide optional notes in specific sections. KARMA was turned Off at measure 3. This provided a standard string & woodwind mix for an orchestral theme. KARMA is turned On again at measures 6 & 7, and Off at measure 8, to end with the string & woodwind mix. The Ribbon was used for expression, Knob 6 for DDL, Knob 7 for Doppler, and Knob 8 for Reverb.

        Suite of the Seasons (Mp3, 2.04 Mb)
        Combi: G012 / Demo Suite of the Seasons

        This string and woodwind Combi was recorded with KARMA On, and then Clarinet & Flute glissandos/trills, French Horn (with & without rips), and Orchestral percussion were added. JS+Y adds slight vibrato to the strings and woodwinds, SW2 selects different trills and glissando, and I used Knob 5 to control Attack, to help make the Orchestra cymbals swell. The Doppler and DDL FXs also make the orchestral sounds "breathe" with a natural feeling.

        Tsunami (Mp3, 7.7 Mb)

        Composer/pianist Paul Hefner wrote Tsunami as a piano piece and it was later orchestrated by Jack Hotop. The OASYS and EXs3 Brass & Woodwind expansion was used to orchestrate this piece. JY+Y was used for vibrato, Ribbon was used for expression, Knob 5 was used for Attack, and Knob 8 was used to control Reverb Wet/Dry. The Tempo track in the OASYS Sequencer was used for tempo changes and to retard the ending section.

        Twilight Zoned (Mp3, 1.29 Mb)
        Combi: G020 /Demo Twilight Zoned

        I recorded this Combi, which uses transposed timbres. Tone Adjust is used to select EXs3 alternate performance sounds. KARMA was used to add random harp elements, and I set the Doppler IFX to Dry, to reduce the X-fading effect. Piano, orchestral percussion and bassoon were added for this song.
        Living Spirits (Mp3, 1.5 Mb)
        Living Spirits

        This Song features soprano sax, with glissando. JY+Y was utilized for sax vibrato, ribbon for expression. Knob 5, was used to control Attack on the Drum Kit. This helped create a cymbal swell in the beginning. Knob 7 was used for DDL, and Knob 8 controlled Reverb Wet/Dry.

        Endless Orch Pad (Mp3, 708 Kb)
        Combi: G063/Demo Endless Orch Pad

        This Combi & Song uses Tone Adjust to lengthen the envelopes of some programs. Knob5 was used to control the Attack of additional EXs3 woodwind programs, to help create an orchestral mood.

        Performance Notes: The following demos were all made on the Korg OASYS using the EXs3 Woodwinds and Brass Expansion. These tracks were composed by Peter Schwartz.
        JackOLanternJazz.mp3 (Mp3, 880 Kb)
        The bass clarinet part was performed using four of the six new EXS3 Bass Clarinet programs:

        097 Dyna Bass Clarinet
        099 SFZ Bass Clarinet
        100 B.Clarinet Grace SW1
        101 Trill B.Clarinet SW2

        010 Vib Oboe KeyNoise SW1
        063 St Hm Mute Trumpets
        092 Sforzando Clarinet
        113 V GlissUp Soprano Sax

        The first note of the bass clarinet is created by an automation "trick": the attack comes from 097 Dyna Bass Clarinet and the sforzando swell comes from 099 SFZ Bass Clarinet. After playing the note for both sounds, I manually faded out Dyna Bass Clarinet and faded in SFZ Bass Clarinet. This created a third articulation; soft attack + sforzando swell! Additional expression was added to the bass clarinet and other sounds by playing the Ribbon (dark/bright), Knob 4 (release time), Tone Adjust (AMP Attack) and volume automation.

        HollyWOODwinds & Brass (Mp3, 1.4 Mb)
        This piece demonstrates both solo and ensemble use of EXs3 Woodwind and Brass sounds in a full orchestral setting. Nuance and dynamics were created by automating volume, release time (Knob 5), Tone Adjust (to control the speed of the Gliss samples), ribbon, and JS+Y for vibrato.

        Programs used include:
        051 Gliss Up French Horn
        068 ST Open French Horns
        069 4-Way French Horns
        058 Sforzando Brass
        028 2-Way Cornet087 V. Gliss Alto Flute
        072 Vibrato Piccolo
        076 Legato Vib Flute
        010 Vib Oboe Key Noise
        011 Vib English Horn
        090 Legato Clarinet mf
        109 Vib C. Bassoon (in slow section)

        This 'n' That (Mp3, 1 Mb)
        This piece demonstrates some powerful EXs3 brass ensembles and falls, as well as saxophone ensemble and falls.

        Programs used:
        043 Stacc Trombone Doit
        058 Sforzando Brass
        063 St Hm Trumpets
        064 Fall/Doit Trmps SW2
        067 FallDoit Trombs SW2
        100 B.Clarinet Grace SW1
        118 Vib Alto Sax f *JM*
        120 Fall/Doit A.Sax SW2
        122 Breth T.Sax Vib
        123 Sforzando Tenor Sax

        The main chordal melodies were played using a layer of Sforzando Brass and Stacc Trombone Doit. This piece takes advantage of the long duration of the natural swell of the Sforzando brass samples. Brass and Saxophone falls on some programs are activated by velocity switching. What sounds like a sax solo is actually the Bass Clarinet, which naturally has a sax-like sound in its clarion register, represented very accurately in the EXs3 collection of bass clarinet samples. The very mellow and breathy sounding Breth T.Sax Vib tenor sax section can be heard briefly in the middle of the piece, during the harmon mute trumpet solo.

        Concerto Mini Grosso (Mp3, 1.1 Mb)
        This is an example of a traditionally scored, baroque style piece demonstrating the expressive oboe and flute as the featured solo instruments, with the bassoon playing incidental lines. The oboe part uses two Programs to vary from regular long tones to staccato ones. Nuance and dynamics for all instruments were enhanced using the ribbon (dark/bright) and volume automation.EXs3 programs used:

        103 Oboe Key Noise SW1
        104 Stacc Oboe SW1,2
        074 Legato Flute Attk
        106 Bassoon KeyNois SW1
        Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


        • #5
          HD-1 Demos

          Nylon Guitar (mp3, 6.4 MB)
          A nylon guitar Program (B002 Nylon Guitar 2 Knob5 Atk.) played in realtime. Trilling is done via tapping the ribbon in realtime. The string "swish" noise comes in on Key Release while playing notes in the low range over Velocity 117. Played and produced by Michele Paciulli.

          Nylon Guitar 2 (mp3, 6.4 MB)
          An alternate version of the same demo with the Program edited to add simulations of the harmonics created when tapping the string on the neck of the guitar, and the finger hitting the string during the trill. It's the same realtime performance. Played and produced by Michele Paciulli.

          EXs1 Piano Demos: The following demos showcase the EXs1 piano, a 133 MB 4-way velocity-switched piano with sampled damper resonance.

          Opening Blossoms (4.2 MBmp3)
          Performed by Chris Clark.
          Lookin For Stuff (6.06MB, mp3)
          Performed by Chris Clark.

          EXs2 Piano Demos:
          The following demos showcase the EXs2 piano, a massive 503 MB version of the same piano source with every note sampled at the 4 velocity levels plus the damper resonance.
          Beethoven Excerpt (2.9 MB, mp3)
          Performed by Chris Clark.
          Premonitions (5.05 MB, mp3)
          Performed by Chris Clark.
          Seven and a Half Wives (4.57 MB, mp3)
          Performed by Chris Clark.
          Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


          • #6
            LAC-1 Demos

            Saturn Rising (mp3, 4MB)
            The Legacy Analog Collection in OASYS offers a palette of powerful synthesis. This tune was constructed using all LAC-1 sounds, except for the synth-snare and hats, which were generated by the AL-1 engine.

            The opening utilizes the mystery of the MS-20 Noise Shot program for the theme. (U-D-003). The answering warbling effect is U-D-114, Waterphonics.

            The next theme is stated with the wonderful Healing Guitar Porgram (U-D-050), which is a blend of MS-20 and Polysix elements. The answering effect is the Noise Shot with joystick modulation applied.

            A bass and drum vamp begins. The bass is Program U-D-030, Ultra Wide Deep Bass (another MS-20/Poysix blend). The synth hat is AL-1’s U-F-125, Multi-Hat=F#2=SW1, with some rhythmic assistance from Karma.(GE#0181, HH Mono). The synth kick is from Program U-F-118, Dark Kik & Zaps=C2=SW2.

            The clavlike chords are from Program U-D-046, Stab Saw, with some Control Surface editing. The nasty theme is all MS-20, Program U-D-067, Dilated Pupils Lead. Waterphonics contributes some icy effects here as well.

            The rising countermelody is Program D-037, Silky Hollow Pad. Another line of couterpoint uses Program U-D-047, Unison Stab Saw. Noise Shot comes back as an accent to one of the voices. The ending is Program U-D-113, Eleven ThirtyEight ChdSW1.

            I can’t emphasize enough how handy the Control Surface was in creating the end result. As a composer, I was caught up in how the voices were moving; I didn’t want to lose my focus with hours of synth programming. I was able to choose programs that resembled what I was hearing in my head, and quickly tweak them with the Control Surface, shaping attacks, releases and tonal qualities as needed.
            Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


            • #7
              MOD-7 Demos

              HARDSYNC (Mp3, 991 Kb)
              Written and performed by Jack Hotop.

              Controller Assignments programmed by Peter Schwartz & Jack Hotop.
              © 2008
              SOLARWND.mp3 (Mp3, 991 Kb)
              Written and performed by Jack Hotop.

              Controller Assignments programmed by Peter Schwartz & Jack Hotop.
              © 2008
              ILECKTRO (Mp3, 1.19 Mb)
              Written and performed by Jack Hotop.

              Controller Assignments programmed by Peter Schwartz & Jack Hotop.
              © 2008
              E.Piano Pad SW1 (714kb, mp3)
              A classic FM electric piano sound. Notice this shifting of the tine harmonics in realtime using the Vector Joystick (+X). Midway the tine characteristics are changed using the VJS +Y direction. A pad element is then added using SW1 followed by some more vector timbre-changing fun.

              All that Glitters..... (823kb, mp3)
              A rich pad sound composed of VPM, PCM modulation and a noise generator. SW1 adds in the "glitter" element. VJS-X brings in the layered PCM element, which is used to modulate a VPM oscillator. Partway VJS brings in a square wave, and ribbon is used to filter the Noise osc.

              JS+Y Stardust(move slow) (923kb, mp3)
              A unique sound where the JS+Y is used to trigger different oscillators – a new features found in the MOD-7! Various controller moves follow including pitch bend, JS-Y changing the HPF cutoff, VJS adding tremolo and timbral changes, and knobs being used to change pitch and attack time.

              DigiClavitar (870kb, mp3)
              Another classic FM timbre. Effects are added in realtime, ribbon is used to mute the sound, the filter is opened up followed by using JS-Y to bring in a wah effect. Towards the end VJS changes the Modulator osc’s output and pitch.

              VectorianBellscape SW1,2 (618kb, mp3)
              A complex timbre that layers MOD-7 VPM bells with a STR-1 element. During the performance Knob 5 adds more attack characteristic, followed by Knob 6 and VJS timbral changes. During the fade-out VJS-Y adds a random LFO.

              Transformer Lead VJS,Kn6 (707kb, mp3)
              This lead sound is being triggered/played by KARMA using the programmed Chord Pad voicings.

              Knob 6 is used to increase the FM modulation, and then to remove all the complex harmonics. Then both Knob 6 and the VJS are used at the same time to produce a lot of changes. Finally, ribbon is used to turn the sound into a plucky bass lead sound and back.

              Pure Power Bass (501kb, mp3)
              A next-gen VPM+ bass sound. Knob 6 is moved during the first 8 bars to vary the decay of the sound, followed by SW1 adding a very dynamic Wah effect. More timbral changes via Knobs 6 and 5 finish out the performance.

              Knee-Deep Bass knob 5,6 (1.1MB, mp2)
              This bass sound is being triggered/played by KARMA using the programmed Chord Pad voicings.

              SW1,2 adds more OSC elements, knobs are used to change filter and overdrive effect, and VJS controls many timbral changes.As the performance progresses you’ll hear KARMA Scene changes and phrase and duration variations.

              Rainy Windows (826kb, mp3)
              KARMA used again to play the song via chord pads.

              When KARMA is turned on, this sound changes drastically from a slow pad to a fast synth using the controller offsets ability that KARMA offers. VJS X and Y are used to transform the sound into more of a bell/sine sound, and Knob 5 is used to give notes a slow attack and long release for a cool transitional effect in the middle and end of the performance.

              Starlight Parade (757kb, mp3)
              KARMA is pretty much doing everything! The reverb is sequenced in the KARMA GE to change thru the pattern. We’re simply playing the chord pads to step thru a happy little song.

              VJS is used to raise (and then lower) the pitch +/- 1 octave of some of the elements.

              Knob 5 is used half way through to make the attack softer and then slowly get more aggressive. Knob 6 is also used for tonality changes in the middle of the progression.

              Multiple Engines SW1,2 (725kb, mp3)
              Another cool dual-EXi engine sound. The synth comes from the MOD-7 and the drum groove comes from the AL-1. After playing the first musical motif SW1 brings in the analog drum groove. JS- Y is used to bring the drums in and out in realtime along with some filtering.

              Guitar Pad SW1 (1.05MB, mp3)
              Another classic FM approach, with some unique twists. VJS changes filter and adds in some "trill". ToneAdjust is used to change the modulator’s pitch, and JS-Y adds tremolo.
              Alien Warning System (836KB, mp3)
              This SFX demo has 3 "swells":
              Swell 1 is just the program with one note playing. Swell 2 is a different single note but with VJS -Y used to add filter resonance to the fade-in operators. Swell 3 consists of a slow build up of choice notes while moving the VJS in both X and Y directions to bring additional complex harmonics out of the patch, with the end result being a beautiful resonant chord fading in over the chaos.

              Space Siren SW1 (763kb, mp3)
              Another SFX-type sound. Amongst the many controller moves, note the pitch bend used to take high notes down 64 semitones !!

              Boiling Oil Pad (708kb, mp3)
              This whole performance consists of 2 notes played at beat 1 and held for entire demo. Knobs 5 and 6 were used to change LFO depths and rates, knob 7 adds a Phaser, VJS brings in Distortion and Left / Right Bass drones. Finally, knob 8 adds touches of reverb in the middle and end.
              Hold ON for Help (713kb, mp3)
              Once again, 2 notes played at beat 1 and held for the entire demo. VJS is used towards the end to sweep a single Operator pitch.

              Hell Of A Piano (4 Mb, Mp3)
              "Hell of a Piano" was sequenced by Jack Hotop with assistance from Peter Schwartz. This program illustrates how MOD-7 can be used to create the sound of the clangorous overtones that you would commonly get from a prepared piano. Those sounds are blended with PCM piano, to create this unique sound.
              Mocker Rocker (3.1 Mb, Mp3)
              "Mocker Rocker" was sequenced by Jack Hotop. This demo uses only MOD-7 Programs.

              Programs Used:
              • Space Siren JS+Y were used to add LFO modulation into the audio range.
              • Waveburst – Use of the ribbon added additional modulation and filter sweeps.
              • Wind in the Pad - This expressive pad helped the transition and change from the intro into the groove.
              • Godzilla Gong - This added a unique synthesized Gong effect.
              • Bell Transforms added a classic MOD-7 Bell texture to the song.
              • D’Bass – The ribbon was used for expression, while JS-Y added various amounts of resonance and noise bursts to the initial bass attack.
              • Tight Squeeze - VJS was used to add synthesized kick, hi hats, and techno hits.
              • Split Rhythms - This MOD-7/STR-1 double program provided complex rhythms, with JS +/-Y adding gated and filtering effects.
              • Dancing Waveshapes SW1 - & Secret Toy Room - these were used to provide different wave sequencing type grooves.
              • HardSync?Yep. & Frantic Opera Lead - These Lead sounds were used for the main techno theme. JS-Y also added stepped square LFO modulation to HardSync?Yep., just before the ending section starts. Knob 8 was used to control Reverb Wet/Dry.

              One for Joe Z (4.58 Mb, Mp3)
              On September 11, 2007, the legendary jazz keyboardist, composer and bandleader Joe Zawinul passed away. He was one of my greatest influences, and also a dear friend to me and to Korg. We will never forget him. ‘One for Joe Z’ is a special composition I wrote, dedicated to Joe and his family.
              Jack Hotop

              This demo uses only MOD-7 Programs

              MOD-7 Programs & Tracks:

              • DONKADrums - this was used for the basic drum track. JS-Y and VJS-Y control frequency modulation, and special effects.
              • Tight Squeeze - VJS-Y was used to add a synthesized kick & hi hat.
              • Pickman Bass - Used for a standard Bass, and Pure Nitro Rock Star was used for guitar.
              • Ethno Aliens and Rain From Heaven - Unique pad sounds using +12 for JS X pitch bending.
              • Dancing Waveshapes SW1 - & Secret Toy Room- these were used to provide different wave sequencing type grooves for this song.
              • Elec Didjdoo - This was used for the main melody starting at measure 13. It was also used with SW1 On to produce gated effects, with JS-Y also adding blown breath accents.
              • Granular Motions - This MOD-7/STR-1 double program provided the rising pad effect for the end section.
              Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


              • #8
                STR-1 Demos

                From The Heart (mp3, 6.06 MB)
                This demo uses only STR-1 preload sounds. The drums come from an STR-1/AL-1 dual Program, and the choir pad comes from an STR-1 Program that has PCM not only exciting the string model, but also mixed in as part of the voice!

                By Jack Hotop
                © 2005 Jack Hotop

                The following STR-1 demos :
                • Composed and performed by Taiki Imaizumi
                • Copyright 2005, Korg Inc.
                Steel Guitar (E023) (mp3, 580 KB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:
                • Muting the strings
                • Using Non Linearity to vary the string’s stability on the neck
                • Using Dispersion to change the thickness of the string
                • Changing the picking time from normal to unrealistically long
                • Moving two microphones around

                A.Bass (E005) (mp3, 884 KB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Making harmonics by changing the fret position
                • Using hard material (a PCM waveform)to drive/excite the string
                • Using Non Linearity to vary the string’s stability on the neck
                • Using Noise to drive/excite the String and Dispersion to change the thickness of the string

                Clavinet (a mixture using E008, 075, 074) (mp3, 723 KB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Varying the Resonance
                • Adding a Phaser
                • Muting the string
                • Adding and accentuating Key Off noise simulation
                • Creating exaggerated harmonic variations
                • Adding a Chorus

                Harpsichord (E072) (mp3. 373 KB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Muting the strings
                • Using Non Linearity to vary the string’s stability
                • Using Dispersion to change the thickness of the string
                • Accentuating various harmonics

                Magical Tremolo (E009) (mp3, 964 KB)
                An imaginative motion synth sound that shows off how far you can take the STR-1 model beyond your expectation of a plucked string!

                Mondoloid Pad (E111) (mp3, 729 KB)
                A dual EXi Program that blends together the STR-1 and AL-1 engines. As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Tremolo picking simulation
                • Synthy bowing simulation
                • Changing the string’s hardness
                • “Shaking” the mic’ing position unrealistically
                • Modulating the Tremolo picking speed

                Nylon Guitar (E00) (mp3, 1.03 MB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Notice how the model reacts to dynamic performance
                • Accentuating various harmonics
                • KARMA is introduced to simulate strumming
                • Various KARMA Scenes are used to generate different strumming phrases

                OverDrive Guitar (E033) (mp3, 1.2 MB)
                As the demo progresses notice the following manipulations of the model:

                • Slow attack control
                • Muting the strings
                • Making different feedback pitches by moving the guitar’s position relative to the amp (a unique feature of the STR-1!!)
                • Accentuating different harmonics
                • Changing the string stability (using Non Linearity) and lowering the amount of Overdrive effect to simulate an Electric Sitar tone

                Bowed Waterphone (E121) (mp3, 652 KB)
                As the demo progresses pay attention to the many manipulations of the model.
                Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


                • #9
                  Mouai.., c'est un clavier assez limité en fait....:?

                  :je sors
                  Ordinateur APPLE Imac 21,5"- Core I5 - 8Go
                  Claviers maitres
                  STUDIOLOGIC SL990 PRO - M-AUDIO CODE49

                  Interface audionumérique
                  FOCUSRITE Scarlett 2i2
                  YAMAHA MSP5 / Casque AKG K701


                  • #10
                    Envoyé par twinton Voir le message
                    Mouai.., c'est un clavier assez limité en fait....:?
                    Tu parles du Fantom G ? :dents:dents:dents
                    "Dans un documentaire, c’est Dieu le metteur en scène. Dans un film de fiction, c’est le metteur en scène qui est Dieu."
                    "La durée d'un film devrait être directement liée à la capacité de la vessie humaine."
                    "L'auto-plagiat, c'est le style."
                    "La vie, ce n'est pas seulement respirer, c'est aussi avoir le souffle coupé."
                    Alfred Hitchock.


                    • #11
                      houlà ! comme ça balance :dents
                      Soutenez Manu, le fondateur d'Audiokeys en achetant sur ... (ne me soutenez plus merci, ça vaut mieux).


                      • #12
                        Envoyé par heid' Voir le message
                        Tu parles du Fantom G ? :dents:dents:dents
                        Je ne ferai aucun commentaire, concours oblige


                        • #13
                          Eh Manu, ca fait beaucoup de demo pour un Bontempi.
                          On devrait peut etre le trouver en grand surface pour Noel
                          Yamaha XF6, Korg
                          Pa1XPro Elite, Clavier contrôle NeON, Table mixage Keywood Mix16, Sono SR Technology 2+1, Ordi portable HP Pavillon+log sequenceur Audio....


                          • #14
                            T'as pas honte Manu de stimuler l'envie des gens ! A ce niveau là c'est de la torture ! :D

                            Kawai MP10
                            Akai Advance 61 - Roland A800-Pro - Novation 25SL MkII - Behringer FCB-1010 - M-Audio Uno
                            guitare WSL White beauty
                            Hohner Melodica Fire
                            Adam A5 - AKG K-702 - RME Fireface UCX - RØDE NT1-A
                            Sonar Platinum
                            Komplete 9, Scarbee Pre-Bass, Soundiron Emotional Piano, Overloud TH2, Overloud Mark Studio 1, AAS Ultra Analog VA-2, Sample Tank 2.5 L, Sonik Synth 2, Jamstix 3 Studio, Sonic Reality Drum Masters, Nomad Factory Integral Studio Pack III ...


                            • #15
                              ça y est je vais encore en avoir pour tout le WE à écouter tout ca :p
                              "Même un chemin de mille lieues commence par un pas." proverbe Japonais
                              StarDestroyer N°001806
                              , Ovation CSE44, Yamaha RBX-650

