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  • Pc3le6

    Sur le site de Kurzweil
    Kurzweil Music Systems is a company that manufactures keyboards and electronic musical instruments for professionals and home musicians.
    Fichiers attachés
    Nord Electro 6D - Studiologic SL73 Studio

  • #2
    Ah, ils sont sortis ?
    Hello, World!


    • #3
      Suggested Retail Price: $2830
      Ils devaient pas être moins cher les LE?:?:?

      En tout cas petite remarque, mais l'option Ribbon Controller à disparu, y'a les boutons à la place.

      Matos : Kurzweil PC3K8

      Ma video pour le Kurzweil Forte Video Contest :


      • #4
        si c'est à ce prix-là je me demande s'il vaut pas mieux un pc361...


        • #5
          Ils ont pas finis de mettre à jour je pense, par exemple la taille de l'écran indiquée est la même que pour le PC3X alors que le l'écran du PC3LE se rapproche d'un PC1X.

          Matos : Kurzweil PC3K8

          Ma video pour le Kurzweil Forte Video Contest :


          • #6
            Où as tu été prendre ce prix nova ?
            moir je trouve ceci :
            Suggested Retail Price: $1495
            Available: Dec. 2009


            Yamaha : Motif XS8 - SY77 - YS200 - TG33 - TG55 - FS1R - Pocketrak CX Alesis : QS8.1 - QSR Korg : Oasys - M3R + RE1 - M1REX - LCDE - Nano Key/Pad/Kontrol Roland : A-880 TC HELICON : Voiceworks AKG : Perception 200 Senneheiser : E835 Mackie : 1604 VLZ3 Steinberg : MR816CSX - CC121 - CMC-FD Adam : P11A Digitech : RP 20 Valve t.c. eletronic : G-Force Ibanez : RG-560 Tascam : Midistudio 688 SONY : MDR-7506 MOTU : MIDI Express XT


            • #7
              Suggested Retail Price: $1495
              Available: Dec. 2009
              Exact, soit env 1000 € . Je trouve ce prix plus que correct pour accéder aux sonorités Kurz.
              Nord Electro 6D - Studiologic SL73 Studio


              • #8
                Voyant que le Ribbon a été vendu 99$ - 99 EUR, je ne sais pas si le PC3LE sera vendu 1000 EUR :?
                Hello, World!


                • #9
                  Qu'a le PC3 le de moins bien qu'un PC3 61 ?
                  Yamaha S90ES & MONTAGE M7 (+ Triton Studio 76 - Blofled KB - ASB Minimax - ASB Pro12 - Pro-1 - Solina)
                  Lâg T90ACE & LTD EC-256 (+ Lâg TN170ASCE - SLG200S - Ibanez AS-260 - Ibanez SR650)


                  • #10
                    Un PC3 61 est la version 61 touches du PC3. C'est le même qu'un PC3x (88 touches).

                    Un PC3Le est limité, mais je ne sais plus dans quoi (juste des presets ?).
                    Hello, World!


                    • #11
                      Oui, je crois qu'il y a déjà eu une discussion à ce sujet, le PC3 Le est semble-t-il très limité dans l'édition des sons.
                      Il possède en revanche des pads pour déclencher je suppose des riffs ou accords pré-enregistrés, ce que ne possèdent pas les autres PC3.
                      Ordinateur APPLE Imac 21,5"- Core I5 - 8Go
                      Claviers maitres
                      STUDIOLOGIC SL990 PRO - M-AUDIO CODE49

                      Interface audionumérique
                      FOCUSRITE Scarlett 2i2
                      YAMAHA MSP5 / Casque AKG K701


                      • #12
                        Il a aussi 2 fois moins de polyphonie (64 voix contre 128) et "seulement" 10 bus d'insertions contre 16....

                        Sinon, le moteur sonore est le même....


                        • #13
                          Infos de Dave Weiser, comme ça c'est clair....:

                          You all need to settle down and read the text on the website!

                          No "limited engine". Just limited editing.
                          These are Pc3 sounds - VA synths, 32 layer electric pianos, KB3 with 10unit Leslies, etc.

                          Each voice still has the same amount of DSP.... you just get 64 voices instead of 128, and you won't be able to access the DSP parameters directly.
                          The relevant DSP parameters have been assigned to knobs that can be tweaked and captured.
                          (I feel like I'm writing my marketing blurb a second time for y'all. )

                          You get half the polyphony and a little more than half the FX resources, so you might run out of polyphony or FX more quickly while sequencing.
                          But otherwise, sound for sound, the LE sounds are 99% the same as the PC3's.

                          There was only one PC3 program that we had to remove due to polyphony and FX limitations.

                          The written blurb specifically says "new programs made specifically for the LE".
                          That's what they are - new programs.
                          Over 100 new drum kits, lost of pipe organs, pads, FM EPs (against my better judgment!), leads and other goodies.

                          These new sounds will make it into the PC3 sometime soon.

                          Full editing is not possible, and trust me this is a good thing.
                          Full editing on a competitor's product, with something like 4 layers per program, with a very limited number of parameters to edit is a very different thing than having full editing on a PC3, with 32 layers per program, FUNs, and zillions of synth and effects parameters.

                          You might even find that the LE's "limited editing" matches up pretty closely with the "full editing" on less complex products from other companies.

                          This is supposed to be a more simple product - there was no way we were going to include things like FUNs, with logarithmic equations and other nerdy stuff.

                          If you want all that editing, you can get a PC3.
                          If you want PC3 sounds, but with a very simple UI, in a lower cost product, then the LE might be for you.
                          This is what we did on our PC1 years ago and it worked out very nicely.

                          The original price listed on our site was a typo and has been corrected.
                          The MSRP for the US is $1495.

                          At this time there are no plans to release an editor.
                          Sound Tower, an independent company, may want to develop and release one on their own, but I don't have any other info.

                          They should be arriving at retailers sometime around the end of this month or beginning of November.
                          I'll post again when I can confirm that distributors have received units.


                          • #14
                            hum hum, j'aurais peut-être du attendre la sortie du PC3le moi, il m'aurait déjà bien suffit
                            Merci pour l'info


                            • #15
                              These new sounds will make it into the PC3 sometime soon

                              Nord Electro 6D - Studiologic SL73 Studio

